    Magic 8 Ball.
    Ask a question like "!8ball Will I ever lose my virginity?"
    Add an alias for an existing command.
    Format: !addalias datgap img datgap
        Once successfully added, a user could use !datgap to call the same as !img datgap
    Create a new Auto Reply.
    Auto Replies are used to have the bot automatically reply whenever it sees someone say something.
    Format 1: !addautoreply <Regular Expression>
        This is the first step to adding the autoreply. If the <Regular Expression> value is a valid 
        Regular Expression, the bot will add it and return an ID number. This should be followed with
        Format 2 using the provided ID number to add the reply.
    Format 2: !addautoreply <ID number> <Reply text>
        This completes adding the autoreply by setting the reply text. This format can also be used 
        to update an existing autoreply.
    Create a new Quick Reply.
    Quick Replies are used to give quick answers to commonly asked questions.
    Format: !addquickreply trigger This is the text of the quick reply.
    Add a quote to the bot's database
    Add a new TV show to the bot's database
    Format 1: !addshow showname
        This will search for the show by name and return the top 3 results
        Example: !addshow Alias
    Format 2: !addshow showid
        Showid should be the show's ID number from tvmaze. It will be returned in the search
        results from format 1. This will actually add the show to the database.
        Example: !addshow 557
    ***Only works for admin users***
    Block a user from getting an invite from korrok to join a channel
    Format: !blockinvite <username> <reason>
    Example: !blockinvite coop05 you've been spamming the channel with too many disconnects/reconnects. Join #in-help to resolve.
    Get a random image from the subreddit /r/Boobies
    Log a bug report for the site
    Example: !bug Searches for "UHD" include 720p in the results ...
    Tell someone to stop being an IRC bully
    Use WolframAlpha to calculate something
    Get a random Chuck Norris joke.
    Convert centemetres to inches
    Get the current value of some cryptocurrency
    Format: !coin <symbol or slug>
    Example: !coin BTC
    Example: !coin Bitcoin
    Get an example of all of the colors possible for text in IRC.
    Get some statistics of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
    Delete an alias command
    Remove a quick reply.
    Format: !deletequickreply trigger
    Delete a show from the bot's tv show database.
    Format 1: !deleteshow <showname>
        This will just return a list of shows that match the given showname.
        It will also include the show ID for each show which can be used in the
        second format to actually delete the show.
        Example: !deleteshow Jersey Shore
    Format 2: !deleteshow <showid>
        This will actually delete any show that has the supplied show ID.
        Example: !deleteshow 801
    ***Only works for admin users***
    Disable a user's 2fa, account, api or invite
    Format: !disable <2fa|account|api|downloads|invite> <username>
    Example: !disable invite coop05
    Edit an existing quick reply.
    Format 1: !editquickreply name
         This will just echo what the current quick reply text.
    Format 2: !editquickreply name The text of the quick reply.
    This will just replace the current quick reply text with the new text.
    ***Only works for admin users***
    Enable a user's 2fa, account, api or invite
    Format: !enable <2fa|account|api|invite> <username>
    Example: !enable invite coop05
    Get a random fact from randomfunfacts.com
    Log a feature request for the site
    Example: !feature I want a rainbow unicorn theme ...
    Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
    How long until longveiw and his new wife go to Hawaii?
    BTW, they went back in 2014 so this is just a relic.
    Get this help.
    Get an image from a given subreddit.
    Format: !image subredditname
    Example: !image ramen
    Search for info on a movie from imdb.com
    Format: !imdb Movie Title
    Tell Korrok to insult someone.
    Format: !insult nickname
    Convert inches to centimeters
    Request an invite to join the #main channel.
    Format 1: !invite <irc_key>
        Example: !invite a1s2d3f4g5h6l0k9j8h7g6
        Assumes your IRC nick matches your site username
        Assumes the channel is #main
    Format 2: !invite <site_username> <irc_key>
        Example: !invite resnak a1s2d3f4g5h6l0k9j8h7g6
        Assumes the channel is #main
    Format 3: !invite <irc_key> <channel>
        Example: !invite a1s2d3f4g5h6l0k9j8h7g6 #announce
        Request an invite to a specific channel
        Assumes your IRC nick matches your site username
    Format 4: !invite <site_username> <irc_key> <channel>
        Example: !invite resnak a1s2d3f4g5h6l0k9j8h7g6 #announce
    Tell the bot to join a channel.
    Format: !join #channelname
    Tell the bot to kick someone from a channel.
    Format !kick nickname
    Convert kilometers to miles
    What was the last thing the bot heard someone with the given nickname say?
    Format: !lastsaid nickname
    When was the last time the bot saw someone with the given nickname?
    Format: !lastseen nickname
    When was the last time the bot saw someone with the given nickname speak in a channel?
    !Format: !lastspoke nickname
    Tell the bot to leave a given channel.
    Format: !leave #channelname
    Export the list of reported bugs
    Export the list of feature requests
    Tell the bot to start logging more data (for debugging)
    Leave a message for longveiw (may he rest in peace)
    Example: !longveiw Remember that time we ...
    Convert miles to kilometers
    Get details on the next episode of a TV show
    Example: !next Game of Thrones
    Tell the bot to change its nickname.
    Format: !nick nickname
    Search the site
    Format 1: !nzbsearch <category|subcategory> <search string>
        Example: !nzbsearch TV|HD Game of Thrones
    Format 2: !nzbsearch <search string>
        Example: !nzbsearch Game of Thrones
    To view the available categories, use '!nzbsearch categories'
    Get details on the previous episode of a TV show
    Example: !previous Game of Thrones
    Tell the bot to quit leave all channels and disconnect from the server.
    Get a random quote from the bot's database
    Or, get a quote that matches some search term
    Format 1:
    Format 2:
        !quote <search term>
            !quote incest
            !quote longveiw
    Get a random image from a given subreddit.
    Replacement for imgur to get nsfw content.
    Format: !redditimage subredditname
    Example: !redditimage butts
    Roll two regular 6-sided dice.
    Or pick how many sides and how many die to roll
    Example: !roll
        Rolls one 6-sided dice
    Example: !roll 12
        Rolls one 12-sided dice
    Example: !roll 12 3
        Rolls 3 12-sided die
    Play Russian Roulette. If you get shot, you get kicked from the channel. (If the bot is op in the channel)
    Format: !roulette
    Tell the bot to say something in the given channel
    Format: !say channel Message
    Example: !say #main Hey longveiw, I hope you had fun in Hawaii!
    Search the internet using some search engine (Google by default)
    Format 1: !search <search term>
        Example: !search What is the meaning of life?
    Format 2: !search <engine> <serch term>
        Example: !search wikipedia Antelope
    Format 3: !search engines
        Returns a list of available search engines
    Send an NZB to your download client (if you're registered with the bot).
    Format 1: !sendnzb Search terms
        Example: !sendnzb The Matrix 1999
        The first result will be sent
    Format 2: !sendnzb nzbguid
        Example: !sendnzb a6a87465f051fea718533ae4917eac6a
        Send a specific nzb. The guid can be obtained by using the !search command.
    Format 2: !sendnzb reset
        Reset your own sendnzb information (aka, delete your user information)
    Tell the bot to slap someone with something unpleasant
    Get stock market info for a given ticker symbol
    Get the current time for a given location
    Format: !time [location]
    Example: !time 90210
    Example: !time London
    Example: !time Svolvær
    Get a list of shows with episodes airing today.
    Get a list of shows with episodes airing tomorrow.
    Flip a coin.
    Translate some text.
    Format 1: !translate <text to translate>
        Translates whatever the text is to English
        Example: !translate Bonjour, je m'appelle Korrok.
    Format 2: !translate <target language code> <text to translate>
        Translates the text to the target language
        Example: !translate fr Hello, my name is Korrok.
    Format 3: !translage <source language code> <target language code> <text to translate>
        Translates the text from the source language to the target language.
        Example: !translate en fr Hello, my name is Korrok.
    Format 4: !translate languages
        WARNING: Obnoxiously long return list via PM
        Returns a list of the available language codes sent via a PM to the user that requested it
    Have the bot ask a trivia question.
    Format 1: !trivia
        Just get a random trivia question
    Format 2: !trivia <category>
        Get a trivia question from the provided category
        Example: !trivia Math
    Format 3: !trivia categories
        Get a list of available categories
    Get info about a given TV show, episode, or season
    (If no search term is given, will assume you meant '!today')
    ***Only works for admin users***
    Remove the channel invite block for a user
    Format: !unblockinvite <username>
    Example: !unblockinvite coop05
    Get a definition from urbandictionary.com
    Format 1: !urban random
    Format 2: !urban wotd
    Format 3: !urban [word]
        Example: !urban pteradactle
    Gets the weather for a given location.
    Format: !w [location]
    Example: !w 90210
    Example: !w London
    Example: !w Svolvær
    Get a list of shows with episodes that aired yesterday.
    Search for videos on YouTube

---- Aliases: ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	!coin btc
	!disable 2fa
	!disable account
	!disable api
	!disable invite
	!coin doge
	!coin dot
	!search duckduckgo
	!enable 2fa
	!enable account
	!enable api
	!enable invite
	!coin eth
	!search google
	!say gangsta broke it
	!stock gme
	!coin ltc
	!redditimage meme
	!stock tsla
	!search yahoo